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20Jan 2016

In Agency, Australia, it occupies a priority place. We speak of such a large country (the sixth largest country in the world to what extent we refer and 22 million inhabitants), with infinite curiosities that surround it. The third part of all its territory is desert, and 90% of its inhabitants reside on the coast.

Being an island (huge), it does not limit with any other country in the world, even though it has a border, which reaches an area of around 28,000 kilometers.

Lo mejor de este país es la gran diversidad: hay innumerables desiertos, numerosas mantas, esculturas de coral, pendientes pronunciadas, bosques caducifolios y ciudadanía multicultural. Toda la isla está rodeada por playas Rande, un verdadero paraíso para aquellos interesados en deportes acuáticos como la vela, el buceo, el snorkel o el surf.